Jerry Land's slogan, “To recruit the best, I have to be the best,” signifies that his success is directly related to how good of a recruiter he is. Average Recruiters consistently find average candidates. The best Recruiters consistently find the best candidates. In addition to working with companies to help build their sales organizations, Jerry has published a number of articles for the Electronic Recruiting Exchange. He has also been asked to lead and facilitate training discussions for the Ohio Association of Executive Search Professionals. Through NAPS, Jerry achieved the designation of Certified Personnel Consultant. Jerry is dedicated to keeping his skills sharp in the world of headhunting in order to maintain and uphold the best practices of recruiting talent.

JPLand is an organization hired by a select group of companies who want to thrive by having a sales force made up of highly motivated and career-driven professionals. Some of their clients are on the Inc. 1,000 fastest growing companies list, while others are Fortune 500 companies. JPLand has the headhunters for the companies who are not willing to hire the second best to find and recruit reliable Sales Reps, Managers and VP's.