Lauren Leader-Chivee

Lauren Leader-Chivee

Management and Leadership Consultant, Independent

Lauren Leader-Chivee is a sought after expert, speaker and thought leader. Formerly the President of the global think tank Center for Talent Innovation and Founding Partner at Hewlett Chivee Partners LLC, she has a unique, date-driven perspective on the future of corporate leadership, people-driven innovation, women's issues, talent and diversity.

Lauren has advised global clients across industry including Bristol Myers-Squibb, Genetech, Siemens, Deutsche Bank, EY, Bloomberg, Credit Suisse, HP and many others. Her focus on building differentiated, high impact strategies for driving business innovation by leveraging top, divers talent has garnered her a devoted following among a long list of top executives and has made her a sought after speaker for a wide array of small and large forums around the world.