Tapers are required to finish walls, ceilings and trim using hand tools and mechanical tools that conform to the required levels of finishing standards. While maintaining the necessary production and quality required to complete a project and exceeding the customers' expectations.
Tapers apply drywall tape compound to the seams between drywall panels and to nail and screw indentations on the surface of the panels. Tapers work on new walls and ceiling installs and make repairs to existing walls as well. Tapers install and finish metal, plastic, and aluminum trims. Apply number of coats of compound per specified level of finish, and sand areas after each coat.
Additional responsibilities include:
Reading and interpreting drawings
Checking working surfaces - verify panels joints are tight and aligned, fastened to framing members tightly without breaking the paper surface or fracturing the core.
Establishing a work schedule and flow of work
Organizing and verifying materials
Cleaning and repairing tools
Mixing Joint compounds
Applying fill coats
Applying finish coats
Finishing inside and outside corners
Dry sanding
Wet sanding
Vacuum sanding
Skim coating over gypsum board, concrete, or other related materials
Spraying finish compound
Know and understand the 5 levels and methods of drywall finishing.
Tapers are typically responsible for the production and quality of the products they install. A Taper will usually report to a foreman or lead man and will be assigned a range of tasks to be completed. Timely production and quality are the main responsibilities of a Taper. In addition, Tapers are responsible for working safely and maintaining a safe work environment.
Tapers must work within precise limits and standards of specified finish level.
Physically, Tapers must be able to: Climb and maintain balance on scaffolds and ladders; reach for, handle, and manipulate objects and materials; lift and carry objects weighing up to 100 pounds; stoop, kneel, crouch, and crawl, and see well (either naturally or with correction).